*Tour Dates

Casino Park, Aarau, April, 2023.

Picture courtesy: Nathanael Gautschi

Installation view of Whispering Benches on the main square of the municipality of Möriken-Wildegg, Aargau, Switzerland.

Curator Gianni Jetzer and artist Ishita Chakraborty on vernissage tour in Baden, Switzerland.
Installation view of Whispering Benches at Municipality Lengnau Square, Switzerland.

Lengnau Municipality, Switzerland.
Baden, infront of Kunst im Trudelhaus, Switzerland.

Installation view of Whispering Benches, Baden, Switzerland.

Community bus tour for the vernissage at Möriken-Wildegg Municipality on Yul Bryner Platz, Switzerland.

Public interventions, Baden, Switzerland.

Installation view, Möriken-Wildegg square, Switzerland.
Curatorial walk-through and community bus tour for vernissage with the curator Gianni Jetzer.