collective resistance*
Collective thinking involves listening to more than one perspective and embracing multiple points of view, and let's say it involves numerous dialogues. When we embrace collaborative thinking, we also want to consider diversity, as we need to analyze problems from all points of view, including different age groups, gender, ethnicity, social status, cultural background, sexual orientation…etc.
On this occasion, the Whispering Benches project sows seeds to a Verein or an association called 'Kunst fuer Alle' that will serve as a global platform for more analytical dialogues and discourses. It will be followed by sharing food, performances, storytelling, street theaters, podcasts, video, and sound-based practices. Our mission will be collective resistance and social change against any marginalizations.
Stay tuned for future collaborations and open calls!
I am Ishita Chakraborty, an Indo-Swiss artist, and Azad Colemêrg, my co-performer, is a teacher from Kurdistan and a political asylum seeker in Switzerland. Azad and I have been speaking, thinking, and working personally, philosophically, and politically and looking for a language, if there is any, to talk about our ancestors' subjugated traumatic pasts and pre and post-colonization. Azad and I become the narrator of this journey's time, diaspora, and transnational identities.
Images are from our past collaborative performances from:
Helmhaus Zurich, We ARE AIA, Lowenbrau, Zurich, Switzerland. Photo courtesy: Mo Diener, We ARE AIA, Maricruz Peñaloza.